Fire Apparatus Driving Simulator

 In May of 2023, Fox Valley Career Center Fire Science was the recipient of a Fire Apparatus Driving Simulator from the City of Batavia Fire Department. FVCC Fire Science staff and students traveled to Batavia Station 1 to retrieve the multi-part system. Several days outside of regular class time were utilized to put the simulator back together. That was the easy part!

Since that time many FVCC students have been engaged in troubleshooting the computer generated simulations in order to make the system functional. It is with great excitement to announce that we believe that the system is now fully functional!

The greatest amount of credit for task completion goes to FVCC student Evan C. for his time, patience, tech knowledge and passion to make this a working tool for the FVCC Fire Science program.

What value does this bring to FVCC Fire Science?

FVCC Fire Science 2 students engage in Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal Fire Apparatus Engineer (NFPA 1002 Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator). As part of the certification requirements, students will be engaged in completing simulated emergency and non-emergency driving scenarios. In addition, to meeting NFPA standards the newly acquired driving simulator aligns with a great number of the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives.