Career and Technical Education Survey



Every two years school districts and regions must complete a review of their Career and Technical Education programs. Within this process, we look to include feedback from parents and other community organizations within the region. We appreciate your time in participating in this survey as your input will help to inform us as we look to continually improve our course offerings. Please take less than 2 minutes to help us improve!

Link to Parent and Community Survey


We’re looking to build partnerships with businesses and service organizations in the Kaneland Community. Your input is important to help us to prepare students to be college, career, and community ready. Consulting with teachers, speaking with students, career fairs, judging for student competitions are just a few of the ways you can support our students. We’re looking for partners in all of our CTE pathways: Information Technology; Graphic Communications; Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology & Trades; Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; Family Consumer Science, and Finance and Business Services. If interested, contact Nikki Larsen (CTE Coordinator) at, 630.355.5100 ext. 71715 or complete the form below.


Link to Partner with us!