Kaneland Bookfair Success!

 The joint Kaneland Book Fair was a HUGE success. Thank you to all families and students who stopped out to enjoy the fair and on stage events!  We would like to personally thank our list of volunteers and on stage performers:  Ms. Steers, Ms. Bartholomew, Ms. Groen, Ms. Franck, Dr. Mumm, Mrs. McCoy, Mrs. Ward, Mr. Fox, Mrs. Reilley, Ms. Orman, Ms. Yager, Ms. Kenyon, Mrs Meisenger, Mr. Tankersley, Mrs. Aversa, Mrs. Garland, Mrs. Kuntsman, and Mrs. Salto!  We loved seeing all your talents.  Thank you to all our families that were able to shop in store or online!  We hope you were able to get some great summer reading books!