Kaneland Connects Strategic Plan

 Kaneland School District is in the final year of its five year Kaneland Connects Strategic Plan.  The Kaneland Connects Strategic Plan focuses on five key commitments that are leading Kaneland towards continued excellence in the ever-changing field of education.  The five commitments are; Proficiency Based Progress (PBP), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Standards Based Learning (SBL), One-To-One Learning (1:1), and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).

Each commitment describes various student, staff, and community attributes and behaviors, all designed to positively impact the student experience in Kaneland schools.   As Kaneland Connects has rolled out over the last four years, the District has monitored and assessed the progress of the Kaneland Connects Strategic Plan.  Staff and Administrators visit hundreds of classrooms each year, observing practices and recording the various commitments in action.  This data is then compiled and analyzed to determine where Kaneland stands in each commitment.  To help all our stakeholders easily access this data, the District has color-coded each commitment to clearly show our progress.

In the updated, August 2024 Kaneland Connects document, you will find that the District has color-coded the various goals for each commitment in green, yellow, and red.  A green color would indicate that the practice or attribute is fully embedded in the day-to-day experience for our students.  A yellow color would indicate the practice or attribute is still being understood and implemented by our stakeholders, and although present in the day-to-day experience, there is still more to be done.  A red color would indicate that the practice or attribute remains in the initial phases of implementation, and requires focus of effort to more fully embed into the day-to-day experience.  

As you can see, there is a significant amount of practices and attributes that are coded green, as the Kaneland Connects Strategic Plan has truly changed how the District approaches the instructional experience for our stakeholders.  Kaneland Connects has enabled students, staff, and parents to personalize their experiences in ways they have not been able to in the past.  As Kaneland Connects concludes at the end of the 2024-2025 school year, the District is looking forward to again working with stakeholders to develop a new strategic plan that would guide Kaneland into the future.